Owner: Sara Allison / Location: 219 West Main Street [View Map] / Website: https://www.plowshareftm.org/
Plowshare Fair Trade Marketplace on Main Street specializes in eco-friendly goods from local artisans and farmers. They have been a part of Downtown Waukesha for 33 years!
Their mission to create a more sustainable and peaceful world through socially responsible shopping and transformative educational experiences.
A few upcoming events...
The Golden Girls Holiday Special- Waukesha Civic Theatre
The Golden Girls Holiday Special – Waukesha Civic Theatre Make your way to Miami and settle into Shady...
Mark Sallman, Live Music- Nice Ash Cigar Bar
Calendar – Nice Ash Cigar Bar
Luxury Champagne for the Holidays- Spring City Wine House
Spring City Wine House – Events Cost is $100.00 per person | Wine Club Members pay $85.00 Our...