Bring Your Business to Downtown Waukesha!
Interested in starting a business in Downtown Waukesha? Looking for that ideal space? Wondering what kinds of assistance are available? The City of Waukesha is here to help. We are invested in the success of Downtown Waukesha and have professional staff that is willing to go that extra mile to help you turn your idea into reality.
Our Small Business Coordinator can meet with you to discuss your ideas, answer any questions, and guide you through the process from site selection through grand opening. Contact Sally Kahlfeldt, Small Business Coordinator by email or by phone at 262-524-3750.
We also offer financial assistance in the form of Façade, Storefront Signage, and Awning Grants. These matching grants can help offset up to 50% of the cost of your qualifying projects. Façade grants can provide up to $10,000 in assistance! Please contact Jeff Fortin, Senior Planner by email or by phone at 262-524-3755
Waukesha Economic Profile (PDF)
Other Resources for Business
Waukesha Center for Growth:
A Central Point of Contact.
Center for Growth staff is experienced in all aspects of business growth and economic development. They provide a range of services including assistance in understanding state and local regulations and gaining approvals; assistance in identifying needed labor force and training resources; access to local financial programs; and small business consulting.
Site, Building, and Space Searches.
The Center for Growth utilizes the Xceligent Commercial Real Estate database used by real estate and economic development professionals across the region. Staff can identify options from small retail or office spaces to the largest industrial buildings or sites available for new development. They have experience in real estate development and brokerage, and offer no-cost assistance to find the space that best satisfies your needs.
Workforce Development.
Our Talent and Education Manager works with the Center for Growth and partner agencies to identify the labor force you need; training to provide the skills needed in your operations; and available funding to cover a portion of training costs. WOW (Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington Counties) Workforce Development, Waukesha County Technical College, and other educational and training partners are mobilized to address your needs.
Local Revolving Loan Funds.
The Center for Growth has access to Revolving Loan Funds and a mezzanine loan program. They work with lenders on a daily basis to develop financial packages tailored to the needs of each project. For larger projects, refundable tax credits may be available based on job creation. For projects involving significant new real estate development, Tax Increment Financing (TIF) may be applicable.
Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Cooperation (WWBIC)
WWBIC is a leading innovative statewide economic development corporation “Putting Dreams to Work.” We focus on individuals who face barriers in accessing traditional financing or resources in pursuit of their dreams and economic well-being. We provide targeted individuals interested in starting, strengthening or expanding businesses with access to vital resources and tools such as quality financial and business education and responsible financial products. We improve the economic well-being of targeted low income individuals by building assets and advancing economic self-sufficiency. We particularly focus on women, people of color, and low-income individuals, providing direct lending and access to fair and responsible capital, quality business education, one-on-one technical business assistance and education to increase financial capability.
A few upcoming events...
Sheepshead- Nice Ash Cigar Bar
Calendar – Nice Ash Cigar Bar
Mark Sallmann, Live Music- Nice Ash Cigar Bar
Calendar – Nice Ash Cigar Bar
Next to Normal- Waukesha Civic Theatre
Next to Normal – Waukesha Civic Theatre Dad’s an architect; Mom rushes to pack lunches and pour cereal;...